UP Housing & Development Board(UPAVP)
Vision Statement :
"UPAVP shall strive its best to ensure affordable housing in environmentally invigorating habitats with inclusive facilities especially for the economically weaker section, low and middle income groups and competitive price options for the other sections of the society."
Mission Statement :
- To plan and develop state of art townships at affordable price to all sections of the society.
- To develop such townships with inclusive facilities which include modern amenities, community services, hospitals, educational institutes, neighbourhood parks and playgrounds.
- To plan and develop centres of excellence at strategic locations across the state.
- To ensure utmost quality in all works including the works assigned as deposit works by other organisations.
- To sustain the land bank each year equal to the land developed in the previous year.
- To encompass newer technologies in construction works with price affordability.
- To facilitate public private partnership (PPP) to cater to the housing needs of the society in time.
- To ensure prudent financial results with appropriate accounting principles.
- To maintain and sustain a user friendly dedicated website with online facilities for the intended services.
- To maintain an effective public grievance redressal mechanism and set standards by adhering to timeframe and schedules.
- To impart quality training, capacity building and skill up-gradation for the employees of the organisation.
- To promote innovative ideas and pioneering initiatives in the functioning of the system.
- To improve working conditions favourable for the employees and clientele as well. To be successful as a total quality organisation.

City Location:
State Location: