Tamil Nadu Housing Board(TNHB)
Formed in 1947 as a small organisation in the name of "City Improvement Trust" in order to cater to the Housing needs of Madras City, has developed into a full fledged organisation as "TAMIL NADU HOUSING BOARD" in the year 1961 to cope up with the increasing demand in housing sector all over the state due to urban growth leading to migration to urban areas in search of employment opportunities.
Housing is one among the three basic needs of humanity. In fulfilling the housing needs, the Tamil Nadu Housing Board plays an important role with the ideal objective of providing house for every one. TNHB as a matter of policy ensures quality materials in construction, using the latest modern techniques in the construction and provides shelter to the people under Economically Weaker Section (EWS), Lower Income Group (LIG), Middle Income Group (MIG) and Higher Income Group (HIG), at costs affordable by people of these Groups.
Housing is one among the three basic needs of humanity. In fulfilling the housing needs, the Tamil Nadu Housing Board plays an important rolewith the ideal objective of providing house for every one. TNHB as a matter of policy ensures quality materials in construction, using the latest modern techniques in the construction and provides shelter to the people under Economically Weaker Section (EWS), Lower Income Group (LIG), Middle Income Group (MIG) and Higher Income Group (HIG), at costs affordable by people of these Groups.
TNHB has the unique capacity of developing very large neighbourhood schemes, each one of them, remains a self contained neighbourhood by itself. As a pioneer institution in developing very large neighbourhood schemes, Tamil Nadu Housing Board is one of the biggest institutions in India catering to the shelter needs of various income groups of the society.

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